6 Aug 2022 What is insomnia? Is the commonly used lavender essential oil effective for treating insomnia? What other essential oils are effective towards insomnia?

The insomniac condition has become a much severe condition suffered by Hong Kong populations after the global pandemic outbreak. In 2015, according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder, the prevalence was 10.8%. Referring to a 2021 research, nearly one-third of the population were found to have insomnia in Hong Kong. The situation is quite alarming.
Science of Sleep
In order to solve insomnia, we have to understand the science of sleep first. Basically, sleep divided into 2 types - rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep. In non-REM sleep, it further breaks down into 3 stages (some scientists separate stage 3 into 2 different stages and make up as 4 stages instead).
In the first half of our sleep, non-REM sleep appears to be longer, while in the second half of our sleep, REM sleep lengthens. Daily new learnings and motor skills are mostly processed during REM sleep and involving archiving and maintenance of memories. Thus, REM sleep is particularly important in dreaming, memory, emotional processing, and healthy brain development.
In deep sleep stage of non-REM sleep, although memory consolidation appears, it also is important for tissue repair. Date back to a study in 1977, scientists proposed that sleep is ineluctably important for body restoration and synthesis.
What is insomnia?
According to DSM-5, there are a total of seven diagnostic criteria needed to be fulfilled for the diagnosis of insomnia. The diagnostic criteria are as follows:

What is sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene are the instructions for better sleep, which include
Do not make up for sleep and stay in bed at will.
Whether you sleep well or not, get up at a fixed time every day and establish a regular routine.
Keep your bedroom comfortable, quiet, dark, and at a moderate temperature.
When you cannot fall asleep, do not force yourself to fall asleep too much, and go to sleep when you feel you truly want to sleep.
Increase the time for daytime activities and try to avoid naps and breaks.
Eat regularly; eat a small amount of high-carbohydrate food before bed if you feel hungry.
Avoid placing time reminders, such as alarm clocks, near your bed.
Do not increase your sleep pressure by making it easy to see the time.
Get into the habit of exercising regularly; do not do strenuous exercise 3 hours before bedtime.
Avoid drinking too much beverages in the evening.
Avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola two hours before bedtime. (In my experience, some people might need to avoid this kinda beverages for a whole day.)
Avoid drinking alcohol in the evening.
Avoid smoking at night.
What plant extracts can promote sleep?
There was a systematic review gathered information from randomised controlled trials and several clinical evaluative studies. Based on this review, we concluded the function of each essential oils for sleep promotion.
Difficulty in maintaining sleep
Sweet Orange
Roman Chamomile
Sweet Basil
Difficulty in initiating sleep
Sweet Orange
Sweet Basil
Early-morning awakening with inability to return to sleep
Sweet Basil
Indeed, essential oils could help to deal with certain insomniac conditions. Nonetheless, there are still plenty of factors affecting sleep duration and quality. All in all, good sleep hygiene is still important in maintaining good sleep.