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Myra Chan


Nurse Aromatherapist

Registered Nurse (HK), IFA Registered Aromatherapist, Reiki Therapist, CMA Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher

BSc (Hon) Nursing (HKPU), MMedSc Specialized in Neuroscience (HKU)
Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy (JGO)
Certificate in Practical Chinese Medicinal Nursing (Hong Kong Baptist Hospital & Hong Kong College of Chinese Medical Nursing)
Certificate in Basic Psychotherapy (CUHK)
Certificate in Mindfulness at Work (Oxford Mindfulness Centre)
Certificate in Entrepreneurship Essentials (Harvard Business School Online)
Certificate in Shadow Psychology and Psychotherapy (St. James' Settlement)
Stanford Introduction to Food and Health (Stanford University)
Managing your health: The role of physical therapy and exercise (University of Toronto)
Diabetes - a Global Challenge (University of Copenhagen)
Knowledge and Skills for Dementia Care: The SSLD Approach (University of Toronto)

Member of STTI Honor Society of Nursing 

Member of International Federation of Aromatherapists

I am Miss Myra, a community geriatric registered nurse, an aromatherapist and a researcher. I have profound experience in research, public health education and evidence-based aromatherapy education.


My students come from different sectors, including social welfare, medical, insurance, education...etc.. From my courses, they could learn aromatherapy in an extraordinary aspect.

I noticed that quite a number of people, after studying aromatherapy, do not know the techniques of the application of aromatherapy. (I was one of them!) The reason is that they failed to understand "the pharmacology of essential oils" and "the pathophysiology of diseases".

When you learn aromatherapy at other institutions (except at Aroma Healing Institute, as I teach for them), you would find that "the mentioned effects do not reflect on you" or notice that "every essential oil has similar uses", which makes you have difficulty in the choices of essential oils!

When you are willing to learn "the pharmacology of essential oils" and "the pathophysiology of diseases" from simple to deep with me, you will be able to use aromatherapy much effectively to improve any kind of physical problems...

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